Today marked the long awaited arrival of our chicks. They were hatched on Sunday and shipped yesterday. We have been hovering over the tracking information all day, and we were anxiously awaiting the phone call from the post office. Finally at 12:30, the phone rang. It was the postmaster in Bath (25 min from us) telling me that they had our chicks but that there was no truck scheduled to bring mail to our local post office until tomorrow. He was wondering if we'd be willing to come down and pick them up. We decided to make the sacrifice. ;)
When we got to the post office, we could hear them peeping long before they were in our little hands. We opened the box when we were still there to make sure everyone made it in one piece. All babes were present and accounted for -- and literally trying to hop out of the box! All the ride home, I couldn't stop peeking in at them...until one practically landed on my lap.
Once we got them home, we checked them for any potential chick health hazards, took their photos, showed them their water, and let them get settled. I'm excited to see what their colors turn out like when they're adults. We have two of each of the following breeds:
Silver Laced Wyandotte,
Barred Rock,
Easter Egger (a.k.a. Araucana, Americauna; these come in a variety of colors -- we got them because they're good layers, and they may lay blue, green, or pink eggs), and
Black Australorp.
They have been actively eating, drinking, and exploring their new abode. Admittedly, a couple have gotten lost on the opposite side of the feeder from their friends. It is a little embarrassing, but I'm sure they'll figure it out soon enough. Needless to say, they're wickedly cute. It can be a tad difficult to tell which chick is which breed at this point, but here are our best guesses.
Silver Laced Wyandotte #1 |
Barred Rock #1 |
Easter Egger #1 -- her name is Saffron |
Easter Egger #2 |
Black Australorp #1 |
Black Australorp #2 |
Barred Rock #2 -- does this down make by butt look big? |
Silver Laced Wyandotte #2 -- sooooooo sleeeeeeeepy.... |
And now, the good stuff:
All your little babies are so cute I can hardly take it. :)